Holding The Brush Standing Before the Wall called Life

Holding the brush standing before the wall called Life. life gives me brush in my hand and let me to paint the picture how i want, sometimes, holding the brush and m holding it for long and just feel like as how i exactly want to paint the picture, holding the brush makes me life as m only m responsible for the life and its colors, experiences and whatever comes, the brush will paint that pictures using different colors, sometimes there are so many colors and m bit confused as which color m looking for and does this color will say what i want to say using paintings or it will be something that i was not looking for or should i mix up all colors and then paint the beautiful paintings of my life.. The word paintings makes me happy and colors left me delighted and sometimes i totally forget is it me painting beautiful pictures of my life or life is holding the brush with lots of colors where it itself is painting pictures for me…

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