A Note of Thanks to my Lord

The older I get, the more I value the delicate and very precious gift of life and of people who give mt their precious time by way of letters, messages, notes and phone calls. Its always Thanks Giving for all 🙂

During these past two weeks, I experienced one of those horrid scares and nightmare all around me but at the same time my duty was also calling me and for the first time in my life had taken very rational n practical decisions.

All the good times with my loved one flash through your mind. The medical intuitive in me hits the madness button, not an unfamiliar place when it comes to family. Finally, the report comes in and it’s good news the surgery was successfully done and my dear father is blessed with good health and is is in high spirits – just in time to inspire me to say, “Thank you, God, for good friends and everyone around me who had helped me during that time.”  and above all the lord who had always guided me during those times when i don,t know what to day .. God makes way for me always .. simply love u god n thanks u be with me forever.

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